DAY TWENTY - “Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing,
Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him” (Psalm 126:5-6).
How might we “sow in tears” so we can “reap in joy”?
“Sowing” (planting) can mean taking action on something that is not easy to do (such as starting an exercise program or fasting, or forgiving someone because it’s what God says to do, not because you feel like doing so).
It can also mean speaking the Word of God aloud (as in “the sower sows the word” from Mark 4:14).
Have You Sown in Tears?
To me, sowing in tears could mean doing that good thing I know I should do, and crying on the inside while I’m doing it—because I am dying to self-will and yielding to God’s will.
Notice in this verse that the one who is going forth weeping is not just walking around crying; she’s “bearing seed for sowing,” or carrying the seed of her harvest with her, by faith.
I might say, “I don’t feel like it, but I’m doing my PraiseMoves workout today,” or “I’m going to clean up my office today,” or “I’m going to do what I have been putting off…and I will do it as unto the Lord because I’m planting seeds of self-discipline.”
You can do the same with any positive thing you would like to do: drinking more water, eating a healthier diet, being quick to forgive, choosing words more carefully, or developing a consistent prayer life.
“As Unto the Lord”
Great things have been accomplished when one does them “as unto the Lord.”
“Whatsoever ye do, work heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men” (Colossians 3:23, American Standard)
In Galatians 5:23 we see that self-control is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and whosoever “sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life” unto the seed that was sown (Galatians 6:8).
What can you do—perhaps something you’ve been putting off—which you can sow today “unto the Lord”? ___________________
Will you do it? _____________
Please share your comments below – Accountability – feel free to write in the Comment Box below what you’d like to sow “as unto the Lord” today.
Previous Entries:
Radio Interview with Pastor Jentezen Franklin (author of “The Fasting Edge”)
DAY ONE – Delight in the Lord (instead of food?)
DAY TWO - Loosed from Wickedness
DAY THREE – Undo Heavy Burdens NOW
DAY FOUR – DO and then Feel
DAY FIVE – Oppressed, Go Free!
DAY SIX – YOU Break Every Yoke
DAY SEVEN – What are You Feeding On?
DAY EIGHT – Overcoming Temptation
DAY NINE – The Mind of Christ
DAY TEN – Illumination from God
DAY ELEVEN – Keep on Wenting
DAY TWELVE – Righteousness Before You
DAY THIRTEEN – What is Your WHY?
DAY FOURTEEN – Call on the Lord
DAY FIFTEEN – We Have Dominion?
DAY SIXTEEN – Whatever You Do will Prosper
DAY SEVENTEEN - His Angels have Charge Over You
DAY EIGHTEEN – He Gives Living Water
DAY NINETEEN – Get Out of Town!